
Cultivating Security Professionals and Meaningful Automation with Jeff Wheat

Lumu CTO | Veteran CISO | CISSP | Cybersecurity Evangelist
Can we solve the cybersecurity resource deficit with focused career development practices and mentoring, while also emphasizing automation to reduce the load.

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Cyber in Special Operations with Cary Wymer

Cyber in Special Operations with Cary Wymer

A discussion about the role of cyber in Special Operations from an inside perspective and how this impacts our view and approach to corporate cybersecurity.

Cyber Risk Renaissance with Dustin Owens

Cyber Risk Renaissance with Dustin Owens

A discussion about the evolution managing cyber risk within the context of today's threats and the migration to transformative technical solutions and applications.

A panel discussion about Zero Trust with Dr. Chase Cunningham and Jaye Tillson

A panel discussion about Zero Trust with Dr. Chase Cunningham and Jaye Tillson

Join me and two heavy hitters in the cybersecurity industry talking about Zero Trust and what it means today and what will tomorrow look like.